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It can be no demonstrable secret

that our collective global anxiety

is growing detrimental to humanity,

that sum total of a being of living

singularities, the consciousness

of which has tuned its frequency

to an information oversaturation

no longer buffered by medication

or meditation. There can be

only one remedy for this.


We gobble up gunfights like gumballs,

in movies, on television, through screens,

masochistically cracking our jaws, broke

on sweet killing machines rotting our

society from inside out, numbing our

emotions down, but loud as bullet shells

scattered on kids’ school sidewalks is

the shame we no longer give a damn.

my head is exploding with information,

God, please let the other 90% kick in,

so many bombs of consequences soon

falling, and out of my control is it all, except

my heart resolutely dedicated to kindness,

Jesus, warm it up because it’s cold in here;

the suffering is immense everywhere there

is poverty and thieving martian billionaires.

my planet doesn’t need no human beings,

Earth Mother, forgive us the unforgivable

act of self-obsession, destroying your seed,

Narcissi gazing on screens of our reflections.

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