Jenga democracyMar 17, 2024If you are not careful,democracy will crumbleunder the weight of out-of-control capitalismlike Jenga blocks whenyou delicately triedfor just one more.
If you are not careful,democracy will crumbleunder the weight of out-of-control capitalismlike Jenga blocks whenyou delicately triedfor just one more.
TogetherMy darling, your tired eyes do not go unnoticed, and your weary limbs are not ignored, though all seems against you, and you’ve walled...
Shepherd of OneBorn fragile, every word against him cracked his confidence, so he armored himself with layers and layers, of thickened, smothering skin,...
Daddy's CardinalThere is a cardinal warm red against the sparkling white snow falling softly. And he gives me hope, like the little red cardinal of my...